• Deployable

  • UN-experienced

  • Development

  • EXperts


Our main asset is our searchable ROSTER with more than 1,650 seasoned and deployable former UN staff. In aggregate, they have over 21,500 years of UN work experience in all parts of the world, and they represent 100 different nationalities. The DUNDEX roster functions as a pre-positioned reserve of UN-relevant expertise off payroll in normal times, but quickly mobilized when needed.

DUNDEX - Our mission statement

We are an international consulting company providing short-term capacity support worldwide to UN offices that (a) need to respond urgently to emergencies (natural disasters or man-made conflicts), (b) face staff shortages caused by vacancies or unexpected staff movements, or (c) need ‘head-hunting’ support for consultancy tasks for which former UN staff are especially suitable.

Invitation to UN managers

We invite UN managers who urgently need UN-experienced expertise or face critical in-house capacity gaps to visit our dedicated web page for UN Managers, where we spell out the benefits of outsourcing to insiders - and how to do it.

Invitation to former UN staff

We invite former UN staff who are willing and ready to return to UN service on short- or medium-term missions to visit our dedicated web page for former UN staff, where we spell out the benefits of our mutual support network - and how to join.

Who DUNDEX currently works with

  • UNDP  -  United Nations Development Programme
  • UNICEF  -  United Nations Children's Fund
  • UNFPA  -  United Nations Population Fund
  • UNOPS  -  UN Office for Project Services
  • WHO  -  World Health Organization
  • WFP   -  World Food Programme
  • UN-PD  -  UN Procurement Division

What DUNDEX deployees do

Our deployments during the past 10 years span the globe geographically and cover an extremely broad spectrum of development activities. The following examples will illustrate the diversity and pertinence of what our deployees do :

How DUNDEX operates

We try hard to find the right fit, when we support UN agencies in sourcing UN-relevant experts (head-hunting) and help ex-UN staff with finding challenging job offers (job-hunting). Details on how we do it are found here,